Oftentimes, just before it starts to snow, I feel unsettled inside. Especially when that snow is predicted to fall about the time of a February full moon; otherwise known as a Snow Moon. I won’t call it anxiety. Rather, it’s a feeling of everything coming up to the surface of my emotions is about to be released. If I am tuned in, most of the time I can predict when the white-stuff will fall. That jittery sense of change begins to creep into my mind and bones leaving me wondering and asking, “what’s next?”. Then as soon as the snow begins to fall, all of those feelings leave. I am left elated. Even giddy. Renewal is happening both in my mind and spirit. And, I am prone to say I feel a deeper sense of fullness starting to creep through my body. My words here are probably not capable of doing justice to this feeling for someone who has never felt it.
Certainly, humans have acknowledged at least once in their lifetime how refreshing snow can be. Crystal clear air, the crunchy or frozen solid ground, and even some animals take heart with a fresh snow. But I can’t really say how many realize the deep nourishing effect that a snow fall when combined with a full moon leaves behind, once the storm has passed. Very often I see this effect in nature as well as in human lives all the time: only after the refreshing does the nourishment settle in.
That nourishment is when my greatest creative energies come out – about the time of a full moon – especially the ones in winter and most especially those that combine with a snow storm. The intensity to create pops like popcorn with colorful ideas that focus around stitching, baking, knitting, sewing, drawing, and writing. Choosing just one isn’t possible. So over time, I have noticed that the projects generated during this energetic gift from Mother Nature are at the heart of who I am as a writer, mother, and grandmother. My eyes drink in the shapes, sounds, and textures of a new snowfall as I celebrate the peace of fulfillment that happens each time I sense the connections we have with everything around us when this occurs. Happy winter and may your gift of a snow-moon-snow-fall offer you creativity, solace, and peace, in whatever forms they may take.